Center for Pre-Professional Advising

ECU is a leader in healthcare. It’s part of our mission and strategic plan. Our Brody School of Medicine is the national leader in graduating primary care physicians. Innovative Community Service Learning Clinics strategically placed in rural areas of the state provide clinical rotation sites for our dental students. ECU also has the largest College of Allied Health Sciences in the state, boasting professional programs in Audiology, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies. We take our mission of service seriously and select students who align with that mission.

We know that a lot of you are first generation students and/or are from rural or underserved areas. We are here to help you navigate unfamiliar waters and chart a course to success.

Our mission is to assist students in achieving success beyond the undergraduate level. This is accomplished by providing major exploration, strategies for achieving academic goals, and connecting students with campus and community resources. Special programs and events, workshops, and individual appointments facilitate this development.

We are part of the Academic Advising Collaborative at East Carolina University and are housed 2500 Old Cafeteria Complex on the main campus. You can schedule an appointment with your advisor through Pirateport, then select the Scheduler App, and click on your advisor’s name. If you would like to schedule an appointment with an advisor you are not assigned to, please e-mail: or call 252.328.6001.

Want to express appreciation for your advisor? Send them a short message of thanks by submitting an Advisor Kudo!